Cherry Tomatoes And Bocconcini Mint Salad

A spin to the classic “Caprese” dish using a beautiful medley of cherry tomatoes and bocconcini. The tomatoes are still quite juicy and sweet in taste this time of year. So when I saw these cherry tomatoes at the shops I knew I had to buy them to create something with it.

Basil vs Mint
For the cherry tomatoes and bocconcini salad usually basil is used. But I have to say basil is not a herb I grew up with hence the flavour of it is quite strong for me. I enjoy eating it cooked in dishes but not so much fresh. Mint however is a herb I’ve always incorporated in my salads especially dry. It is my favourite combination with tomatoes.

Bocconcini cheese
Bocconcini is a semi soft cheese, white in colour and formed into small balls. In saying so the name in Italian means “little bites”. Commonly added in salads but also pizzas and pasta. The bocconcini flavour is quite bland so the sweet dressing and mint compliments it well.

Enjoy eating the salad cold and prepare it 10min or so before serving. Enough time to allow the tomatoes to release their flavour but not too long to soften the cheese and tomatoes. And then use some fresh bread to soak it all up : )